Sunday 13 October 2019

Vis mig big bird day

This was going through the motions on a day of clear westerlies we wouldn't usually have touched with a barge pole.  Beggars can't be choosers in the current weather although tomorrow looks tasty apart from the rain.  As it happened it was marginally entertaining including high-flying Magpie action.

Vis dawn to about 1000
Cormorant - 3 high to south together
Meadow Pipit - 33 SE
Reed Bunting - 5 SE
Red wing - just 1-2 SW
alba Wagtail - 4 SE
Linnet - 16 SE
Skylark - 3 SE
Jay - flock of 5 plus 1+1 south
Chaffinch - just 2 south
Jackdaw - loose flock of 49 S
Pink-footed Goose - 270 N, 20 S
Whooper Swan - 6 high to S
Magpie - 3+2+1 high south
Carrion Crow - flock of 5 high S, possibly others lower down on the move
Bullfinch - 1 high S
no Grey Wags

Ringing at Middleton included a Redwing, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and two Robin & Reed Bunting!  The feeder net at Heysham NR produced 13 new Greenfinch and two new Goldfinch

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