Sunday 12 January 2020

11 & 12 Jan

Sunday 12 Jan 2020

Ocean Edge saltmarsh
Snipe - 32
Jack Snipe - 1
Reed Bunting - 4 overwintering
Rock Pipit - 1

Behind the ferry
Kittiwake - 35
Mediterranean Gull - 2 adults
Thanks Kevin

Knowlys Road field 
Early am
Mediterranean Gull - 1 adult


Saturday 11 Jan 2020
SW F4, 4-7C, rain in morning, cloud and sun pm

Heliport sea wall
Knot 12000. 6 leg flags read - 3 Icelandic/Dutch and 3 ringed at Formby
Peregrine - 1 targeting the Knot. Displaced everything.
Kittiwake - 57 seen from heliport. Flew into Bay

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