Tuesday 14 January 2020

Brentless today, but BRS compensates

No Brent geese got as far as Red Nab today. It seems hit and miss, at the moment, when they decide to cross over from the west side of bay

Black Redstart - 12:00 Red Nab was almost covered when it flew west to east over the remaining rocks and headed down Ocean Edge foreshore loosing height, suggesting it was going to land. A walk back along foreshore did manage to relocate it about half way along. Good views for about half a minute, but pouring rain meant my (MD) camera was stashed away, by the time I got it out it had dissapeared behind a rock and presumably flew back towards the Power Station as it couldn't be found again. Frustrating!
Rock pipit 2
Grey seal - one feeding in No.2 outflow

Unfortunately car problems left Pete stranded at home, so unable to check the Knot flock again. Even more frustrating!

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