Sunday 19 January 2020

Nice day - Birds ok too!

Light overnight freezing leaving open water partly ice covered, then a largely sunny day.

I knew it was going to be a good day when I shared my breakfast with my first garden Blackcap this winter (MD)

Pale-bellied Brent goose - Pete Crooks recorded 32 flying in to Heysham village bay. These are some of them in the skeer corner. Photograhed from sea wall by Kevin Eaves.
Mediterranean gull - adult near children's play area (also PC)
Eider 45 in low tide channel, but unfortunately the Shag didn't make an appearance today.

Middleton Nature Reserve mid morning.
Mute 7 adult + 5 juv
Coot 2 together
Moorhen 15
Gadwall 27
Wigeon 1
Mallard 7
Teal 16
Tufted 2 male
Little grebe 2 together
Water Rail 2

Great White Egret - two sightings, both flying east 10:50 and 11:00, almost certainly two different birds

Grey Wagtail - record just received of sighting from Yeovil (see scheme detailed to right). This is the second most distant record

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