Wednesday 26 February 2020

Mixed bag

Provisional update, hopefully more later.
The winds eased and the sun shone, occasionally.

No sign of Brent geese on the north or south shore.

Little gull 1 1st winter on No.2 outflow at least from 10:30 to 12:00.

The above pictures fron Kevin Eaves

Ocean Edge saltmarsh
Stonechat 1
Rock pipit 1

Middleton Nature Reserve
Mute 4 adult 5 juvenile
Coot 4 (2 x 2 together)
Gadwall 4 (2 paiir)
Tufted 2 (1 pair)
Mallard 4
Teal 7
Little grebe 2 feeding together.

The male Tufted looked particularly fine in the sunlight

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