Friday 21 February 2020

More wind and rain but at least a ferry connection

Early morning seawatching from the Stone Jetty saw 10 Little Gull out in 2 hours, obviously heading past here
Sea 1155-1235
Little Gull - 3 x ad out, then flight-line not visible 1215 on
Kittiwake - 11 ads behind IOM ferry
Little Gull - 1 x 2CY behind ferry
OE Saltmarsh
Stonechat - 1 male
Rock pipit - 1
Common snipe - 13
Middleton NR
Just looked at the two main ponds.
Mute - pair on each plus the 5 juv. The pair on the "no swimming" pond are favouring last years nest site and seemed to have purged the pond of dabbling ducks.
Gadwall just 2 remain (m&f)
Tufted 3 (2m)
Coot just 1 on main pond
Moorhen 9

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