Monday 2 March 2020

Cetti's sings

 Monday provisional, hopefully more later.

Middleton Nature Reserve - mid morning
Cetti's warbler 1. Fence pond male provideded the first burst of song reported so far this year.
No sign of any Gadwall or Teal. The only ducks were 4 Mallard.
Little grebe 2
Coot 3
Buzzard 1
Common snipe 9
Grey wagtail 1
Reed bunting 1 male singing quietly
Goldcrest at least 1 plus another seen later near boundary with Ocean Edge.

There were no Little gulls on outflows at lunchtime, but the two Bar-Tailed Godwit were feeding in the same area as yesterday. Kevin managed some sharper images.

Little gull - by high water there was one 1st winter, plus the adult with the damaged primaries on No.2 outflow.
Kittiwake 1 adult was also on outflow

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