Friday 20 March 2020

Goose fest!

Another sunny day, it started off quite calm with just a gentle norh breeze, but the breeze strengthened and shifted more to east throughout the day.
Mediterranean Gull - one 2cy on mudflats in front of rising tide, out from Ocean Edge foreshore 08:30
Wheatear - at least 2 mature males between saltmarsh and Red Nab

Skylark - 1 flushed by someone walking on saltmarsh. It flew high before floating down to the foreshore, singing all the way. A song that used to be a summer feature of this area (sorely missed).
Rock Pipits 2
Meadow pipits - numbers flying north incresed to c60/hour by 09:00. At least 50 were in the field west of the road to the recycling centre.
Redwing - one middleton Nr
Buzzard 2 again circling the highest trees between the recycling centre road and Middleton Nature Reserve

Common gull - Lunchtime. c30 of all age groups feeding on seaward side of No1 outflow and some on mud both sides of the outflow (ref and picture KE)

Greylag goose 2, unusually on the main pond at Middleton Nature Reserve (first of year), accompanied by
Canada goose 3
Pale-bellied Brent
Shaun reported 29 out from the children's play area on the flooding tide
By 10:00 on the ebbing tide the water was shallow enough for them to take advantage of the gut weed which is still plentiful between the closest inshore rocks.
These are some of them, unfortunately the preferred feeding technique, and the close proximity to passing dog walkers, kept them mainly in the water, so it was not possible to check for rings.
This is the gut weed they are feeding on. It is called gut weed bcause it consists of hollow tubes(guts), which allow it to float in water, making it look quite appetising! (MD)

A quick check from Knowsley Rd at 12:40 showed there to be at least 20 remaining, near the skeer corner. Unfortunately, there is little to eat there now and they seemed to be resting.

Also on Middleton Nature Reserve 
Gadwall 6
Tufted 2
Little grebe 3
Stock Dove 1
Chiffchaff 1 singing

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