Sunday 10 May 2020

Just enough to maintain interest

Fresh NNE wind. Overcast and showers in morning brightening up by late afternoon

Sea/mud watch 0550-0650 
Arctic Skua 1 dark morph in
Gannet 1 adult U turning
Sandwich Tern 6 slowly heading out

Grey seal
Swallow - 4 NE

Low water out from Half Moon Bay to skeer
Great-crested grebe 1
Eider 52 mainly male
Little Egret 7
Ringed Plover 20 + 4
Knot 120
Only a small percentage turning to summer plumage

Lighthouse area 16:00 - 16:30 (MD)
Rock pipit 1 visiting nest site
Whinchat 1 male briefly 
Only managed a record shot

Common Redstart 1 male feeding on the scrub near lighthouse.
Eventually, managed a decent shot

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