Tuesday 5 May 2020

Waders on the move

Evening update
A further 7 Whimbrel and 3 Dunlin to add to the tallies below, plus Rock Pipits feeding young. Here’s Dad keeping an eye out for approaching humans and other potential predators:

Seabirds, waders and gulls:
Arctic Tern - 17 +15 +10 in
Sandwich Tern 6 in, 2 on the buoys and 1 chased by a skua (see below)
Red-throated Diver - 3 in
Guillemot - 1 out
Razorbill - 1 out
Auk sp - 2 in
Arctic Skua - 1 dark-morph at 0918hrs chasing a Sandwich Tern
Common Scoter - 1 floating in
Dunlin - 281 plus others distantly
Golden Plover - 3
Grey Plover 21
Ringed Plover 13 on Ocean Edge saltmarsh
Bar tailed Godwit  -2
Mediterranean Gull - 1 2cy
Common Gull - 181
Leucistic Common Gull pretending to be an Iceland Gull. The photos, although not good because they are heavily cropped, show a white Gull but closer inspection shows that the wing tips are actually grey.


Swallow - 8
House Martin - 3 over Ocean Edge, 5 over Heysham Moss and 1 over Middleton NR
Tree Pipit - 1
Linnet (may be resident?) - 2

Greenland Wheatear - 2
Whimbrel - 29 on Red Nab

One of the two Wheatears. Presumed ‘Greenland’ type as it was larger than the ones that passed through last month.

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