Monday 15 June 2020

Darters emerging, but no Red Veined yet.....

A light west breeze strengthened during the day. Very warm in the sun.

Middleton Nature Reserve
Ringing and moth trap records AD and JM
Another fairly low key session at Middleton this morning. A modest selection of warblers trapped and retrapped. Few juveniles again with only two each of Goldfinch, Chiffchaff and Dunnock plus one Great Tit.
An adult Grasshopper Warbler confirmed their presence in western marsh.

Moths included a decent record of a Bordered Sallow and two good records of Obscure Wainscot and Silver Hook (pictured below)

Two checks were made of the pools and ponds. A total of 7 teneral Common Darter were located, but no sign yet of Red Veined Darter.

Harbour/Heysham nature reserve circuit, (report and picture KE)
Butterflies seen:
Red Admiral 2
Small Tortoiseshell 2
Common Blue
Large Skipper
Large White
Speckled Wood 3
Burnet Companion moth.
One of The Red Admirals was on the track to the harbour, but all the others on the reserve.
Jay by the dipping pond. Presumably drying itself after a dip.

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