Friday 26 June 2020

First juvenile Med gull arrives

It started of overcast and sticky, rain later in the morning didn't freshen things up much. A fresh westerly in the afternoon plus sunny spells.
As expected in these conditions, there was no in off insect movement near the lighthouse today.

Pete (M) timed his brief visit well:
Middleton Nature Reserve - main pond
Red-Veined Darter - 1 male east centre over the pond when I got there but it moved towards the eastern shore and was chased out of sight into the SE corner.  It was not seen again in the next 30 minutes.
Banded Demoiselle 1 male headed along edge to same corner
By the end of the 30 minutes, even the Common Blue damselfly activity had decreased.

Red Nab
Mediterranean gull -   Just 7 - one was a juvenile , first this year, one adult,  two 3cy and 3 2cy.  Other adults may have anticipated a higher tide and gone straight to the Lune

This splendid moth was in Kevin's overnight trap.
Old Lady

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