Monday 29 June 2020

The storm, reluctantly, delivers a Petrel.

Strong SW wind easing slightly during the day. Heavy showers in the morning, but afternoon onwards largely dry.

Pete(M) managed three hours sea watching early to mid morning from Heysham:
Common Tern 3 No.2 outflow, these were present, at least till mid afternoon.
Fulmar 3 - fairly quickly, then just one other sea bird in the next 2.5hrs
Storm Petrel 1 - moving slowly in before being lost from view.

Stone Jetty  0630-0930 (SC)
Gannet 5,
Fulmar 9 (Nine is more than twice the total records for this species last year!)7
Manx Shearwater 4
Common Tern 5
Arctic Tern 1
All above moving out -  Nothing from 0930-1030.

Lighthouse and outflows mid afternoon (KE and MD)
Kittiwake 2 single adult out
Common Tern 2, probably 3 singles out, plus the three on No2 outflow
Sandwich Tern at least 1 on No.2 outflow
Picture by Kevin, very dificult in today's conditions.

It's still forecast windy tomorrow, but not storm force. Hopefully there will be waifs and strays about

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