Sunday 20 June 2021

A bit of a mixed bag

The light wind mainly from NE till late afternoon then started shift towards the west. Some long sunny spells, but cloudy by evening.

First an update from yesterday - (Report and pictures from Jeff Gorse)
Heysham Nature Reserve

Five-spot burnet and Burnet Companion moths. Small and Large skipper and Common blue butterflies on the wing.

Narrow-bordered Five -spot Burnet moth

Burnet companion
Common Blue

Male Small Skipper - (first record this year MD)

Bee and spotted orchids amongst the flower species.

Bee Orchid

A walk to the harbour past the power station - at least one and possibly two grey seal showing at the mouth of the outflow channels

Grey Seal

Rock Pipits three foraging 

Rock Pipit

Back to today - this report from Pete Crooks:

Red Nab – Heysham Harbour (8.10 – 9.30 am)

1 2nd CY Mediterranean Gull roosting with 52 Black-headed Gull (including 1 juvenile) on Red Nab at high tide.

Also 2 female Eider and 112 Curlew on Red Nab

12 Cormorant roosting on the Wooden Pier

2 Rock Pipit (including ringed bird) around Harbour mouth

2 Grey Seal off the outfalls

I went down to the lighthouse area early afternoon hoping that the warm weather and NE breeze was bringing the insects in. The tide was out so conditions were as good as we've had this year, but very little coming in, just Small Tortoiseshell 8, Painted Lady 2. Perhaps I was a bit early for any dragonflies. (MD)

Middleton Nature Reserve 

A couple of checks by myself and Kevin failed to relocate the Beautiful Demoiselle but the central marsh Cetti's warbler was singing.

This Ghost moth was from Kevin's light trap on Thursday 

Ghost Moth and, although fairly common, is a very attractive moth.

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