Sunday 27 June 2021

Ringlets emerging

NNE to NE fresh breeze, sunny first thing then overcast for most of the day, but still warm.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Janet had up to 5 Ringlet. This species has only recently established itself in the area and are still very localised.
Ringlet butterfly 
Other butterflies included:
Meadow Brown (also first record this year)
Small Heath
Small Tortoiseshell 
Plus severl each:
5-Spot Burnet and Burnet Companion moths

Black-tailed Skimmer
Broad-bodied Chaser

Warblers - eight species singing
Cetti's warbler 2
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Common Whitethroat several
Chiffchaff  4+
Willow warbler 3
Reed warbler 2
Sedge warbler 1
Blackcap 2

Large Skipper 4
Small Tortoiseshell 3
Emperor 1

Red Nab
Rock Pipit 2
This one caught a sea slater, I was waiting to see where it took it, but it ate it itself! (MD)

Curlew c230 flushed by paddlers.

Lighthouse area
Rock Pipits - there were four in the area. The nesting male and female, plus two together and possibly another individual. The female was trying to entice the young from the nest hole. Unfortunately, although a very safe place to nest it is a very precarious first flight. One didn't make it, hopefully at least one already had and possibly more to come.

On a lighter note - this moth,  Kevin advises likely "unbanded form of Riband Wave", was prostrate in one of the steep sided pools on Red Nab. 
There was no movement and it appeared to be daed

I placed my finger under it and lifted it out - still no sign of life

But as soon as I managed to transfer it to a patch of grass it started moving, it was fine! This clip is less than a minute after the picture above. 

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