Sunday 4 July 2021

Early morning Meds

Overcast all day with some very heavy showers. Light wind from SW.

Pete Crooks did a thorough check of Red Nab on the early morning high water:

14 Mediterranean Gull – 10 adults (including green darvic ANLT), 2 x 3rd CY and 2 x 2nd CY)

(ANLT has been an annual visitor since 2017 - originally ringed in Germany as a nestling 16/06/2012)

1 Black-tailed Godwit

1 Common Sandpiper

1 female Eider


Heysham Nature Park – 4 Ringlet butterfly 

Kevin checked the beach near the wooded jetty towards low water. There were only 4 Mediterranean gulls there. They were not feeding, but just waiting near the water line. Still he managed a nice shot.

Adult Mediterranean gull in summer plumage

The sand mason worms cannot be available just yet.

This is the full history of the Belgium Mediterranean gull seen yesterday:

White ring 3VEP. Metal ring number 36890

Ringed as pullus 09/06/2016 marais d'Harchies; Bernissart; Hainaut; Wallonia; BELGIUM

I went down, between showers, to check Red Nab at high water 20:30. There were 150 Black-headed gulls on Red Nab, but I couldn't find a Mediterranean gull. There were a further 125 BHG out from the saltmarsh, but quite a long way out and I couldn't see any Meds amongst them either, but there could easily have been some. Either way, it looks like morning tides are favourite for the time being. (MD)
Rock Pipit 1 male displaying on Red Nab
Grey Seal 2 out from Red Nab

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