Thursday 26 August 2021

An Old Lady and rodent control

The light breeze started off NE but had drifted to NNE by late morning. An overcast start but sunny for the rest of the day.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Ringing report from Jean:

Ringing 0640-1015

New birds consisted of:

Reed Warbler 1

Whitethroat 3

Lesser Whitethroat 2 (1 was an adult)

Grasshopper Warbler 1

Robin 1

Retrapped birds:

Blue Tit - First ringed on 13th May this year at Middleton as a bird born in 2020. So middle aged for a Blue Tit as the average age they live to is 2.7 years, although the oldest recorded was over 21 years old! 2/3 do not survive the first year of life but the odds on surviving longer increase after that. 

Not much overhead:

2 Kestrels hunting over the Reserve and a Sparrowhawk lurking in the bushes

2 Grey Wagtails over

9 Goldfinches

A Greenshank heard in the distance.

South Shore

Wheatear 3 on foreshore

Rock Pipit 2 on foreshore 

Whimbrel 2 near Red Nab

No Mediterranean gulls seen feeding on the beach near the jetty

Both myself and Kevin checked for any insect movement, but there was almost nothing near the lighthouse (just a single Small White and a Small Tortoiseshell in the evening). There were a few more Small Tortoiseshell and Small White at Red Nab and they did appear to be coming in off. There were plenty of insects in the nature park behind Red Nab, including:

Migrant Hawker at least 3 

Common Darter 2 - this male Common Darter appears to be eating at the start of the clip, but I can't see anything, perhaps it was just "working its jaws".

Butterflies - these numbers represent the highest count at any one time

Painted Lady 4

Peacock 4

Red Admiral 5

Small Tortoiseshell 8

Meadow Brown 5

Large White 2

Small White 6

Common Blue 2

Speckled Wood 3

Faded and worn Comma

This is the Old Lady, not an uncommon moth, but quite splendid. This one has unfortunately lost a chunk of one wing. 

Old Lady moth, from Kevin's light trap last night

........and this is the rodent control. Janet took these shots of a Fox with a rat in the horse field next to Knowlys Rd.

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