Monday 9 August 2021

Ringed Plover return and Eider numbers starting to grow

A steady WSW steady breeze all day, overcast with sunny spells, light showers in the evening.

South shore
I checked the rising tide (MD)
Rock Pipit 3 - one on foreshore and two near No.1 outflow
The foreshore Rock Pipit revealed itself to be a juvenile 
You'll need to open the image to see the detail

Willow Warbler 1 in scrub near lighthouse 
Terns sp (almost certainly Sandwich) 4 out together.
Mediterranean gulls 19. At four hours before high water there were 15 adult/3cy, 1 x 2cy and 3 juvenile on the seaward side of the beach next to wooden jetty. But they weren't feeding and flew off as the tide reached them, although at least two of the juveniles were flying around and trying the outflows.
Bar-Tailed Godwit 1 on beach next to wooden jetty - it always puzzles me why more long billed birds are not feeding here regularly, every time I checked this bird it caught at least two worms.
It catches two worms in this clip

In this clip it displays all it's defining features 

Janet checked towards high water and took these shots

Juvenile Herring gull with Whelk egg cluster

There are still lots of Curlew around


Plus a bird on a wire....

Heysham skear - low water 19:30
Eider 18 
Great-Crested grebe 5 (2 pair + 1)
Little Egret 7
Ringed Plover c20 - it was nice to see and hear them back.

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