Thursday 16 September 2021

Enjoying the ordinary

Light west wind. Overcast to begin with, but increasing sunshine during the day.

Only my stuff so far today (MD)

Heysham Head - mid morning
Common Whitethroat 2 seen
Chiffchaff 1 heard
Robin at least 5 off passage birds spread out along the rocks below the cliffs
One of five Robin on the rocks below the cliffs
Rock Pipit 4 - I do like it when a bird is comfortable enough with your presence to walk towards you. It only veered off as someone else approached. It is talking more that presence that they are wary of.

House Sparrows are not particularly common over the recording area, but there is a thriving community in the brambles of Half Moon Bay field. This is the path just before the gate to Heysham Head. The birds are not only feeding on the plant seeds but also bathing in the dust bowls, again, until someone approaches.

Middleton Nature Reserve - mid afternoon 
Mute Swan pair with 9 cygnet 
Gadwall 8
Mallard 7
This Black-Headed gull triggers a bathing frenzy!
Moorhen 2 adult 3 immature 
No Coot seen
Grey Heron 1
Little Egret 1

Butterflies included:
Red Admiral 3+
Comma 2
Meadow Brown - several
Speckled Wood - lots

Emperor 3+
Brown Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 6+
Common Darter c10

Buzzard 1 juvenile quickly through to the north
Juvenile Buzzard (no terminal bar on tail (MD))

Sparrowhawk 1
Kestrel 1
This Kestrel appears to have a metal ring
The last one ringed locally was 2015

These next two clips are of a young Little Egret, trying to learn how to fish. It's first attempt is somewhere between a Kingfisher and an Osprey (apologies to both!)

The second attempt was slightly better, but needs to improve its footwork, and realise that the fish aren't going to wait for you to pick them out of the water - good luck.......

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