Monday 11 October 2021

Movement still ticking over....just.

The light early NW breeze freshened and moved more to WNW by mid morning. Some overcast spells, but mainly sunny.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Ringing report from John:

Ringing this morning was from just after seven. Wind again was a NNW and relatively light to start with. Only becoming breezy around 10.30am, with the nets taken down shortly after. 

Only 18 birds were trapped, but giving a reasonable variety. These comprised:

Meadow Pipit 1

Grey Wagtail 1

Wren 2

Dunnock 1

Robin 1 retrap

Cetti's Warbler 1

Chiffchaff 1

Pied Wagtail 1

Blue Tit 1 + 1 retrap

Tree Sparrow 1 (not common here)

Lesser Redpoll 3

Goldcrest 2

Blackcap 1

South shore mid morning low water (MD)
Rock Pipit just one on Red Nab, despite the total lack of Robins on the foreshore.
Kestrel 1 hunting 

The only birds overhead to south were:
Skylark 1
Meadow Pipit 1
Alba Wagtail 1

Mediterranean gull 2 - none on the deserted Red Nab, but two on the seaward side of the beach near the wooden jetty.
Wigeon 14 by No1 outflow
Adult Common gull flying past the harbour mouth

Heysham Head high water 15:20 
By now the WNW breeze was quite fresh, but a pleasant walk in the sun, although no sign of any off passage birds.
Rock Pipit 2. One at the northern end of Half Moon Bay, the other on the pebble beach below the high cliffs. I took this clip, really so you could enjoy the sound of the waves breaking on the beach. Unfortunately my camera isn't as good as cancelling out the sound of the wind as my "brain" is. Still, here we go:

Looking back from the Head to the old heliport wall, allows good views of the roosting waders. Good in the respect, easy to count rather than seeing any detail.
Oystercatcher c1,500
Small waders, mainly Redshank with Turnstone and a sprinkling of Knot c600

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