Saturday 9 October 2021

Winter thrushes start to arrive, plus other interesting movement.

SSE breeze, very low cloud, indistinguishable from drizzle by late morning. Some rain showers in the afternoon.

Middleton Nature Reserve 

Report from Jean:


Song Thrush 4

Chiffchaff 4

Blackcap 4

Yet another Cetti’s Warbler 1

Garden Warbler 1

Pied Wagtail 1

Grey Wagtail 1

Greenfinch 1

Robin 1 plus a retrap from last month

Wren 1

Dunnock 3

Long-tailed Tit 1 plus a retrap


Quite a variety given the murky conditions but only small numbers of each species.

Pink-footed Goose 25 N, 70 S

Jackdaw 58

Song Thrush 30

Mistle Thrush 1

Redwing 5

Blackbird 1

Starling 1

Grey Wagtail 5

Pied Wagtail 9

Reed Bunting 3

Skylark 3

Siskin 4

Lesser Redpoll 1

Greenfinch 1

Chaffinch 2

Bullfinch 2

Linnet 1

Green Woodpecker east to west 07:35

I did a quick check of the two main ponds late morning (MD)
Mute unchanged 
Moorhen 8
Mallard 10 on main pond plus one in association with the Gadwall
Gadwall 21 on "no swimming" pond plus 2 on main pond
Wigeon 2 (male and female) also in association with the Gadwall.
Little grebe 1
Cetti's warbler 1 - not singing, but managed a glimpse of one by "no swimming" pond.
These are the two Wigeon with a few of the Gadwall

South shore - low water 08:30 (MD)
There was a bit of movement until the cloud became light rain.
Skylark 2 individuals south
Grey Wagtail 2 together east
Meadow Pipit 5 east
Wheatear 1 grounded - all the recent birds have been mature males

Rock Pipit - just one seen, but there were 4 aggressive Robin between Red Nab and the foreshore slipway.
Mediterranean gulls 2. Red Nab was deserted, but only two adult feeding near the wooden jetty.

Shaun has a look around this afternoon:

Heysham Head 

3 Chiffchaff

Blackcap 1 male

Heysham Nature Reserve 

2 Chiffchaff 

2 Blackcap (male and female)

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