Thursday 7 April 2022

First Skua

Very strong overnight "westerly" winds eased slightly and quickly moved to WNW then NW. Showers.

Pretty much just Pete's stuff today. He started early - 0625-0715
Early morning dropping tide seawatch at Heysham saw the wind go NW as opposed to WNW about five hours before forecast.  
Best a dark morph Arctic Skua new for year last seen sat on sea
4 Gannet,
7 Common Scoter
1 Razorbill/Guillemot 
1 Red-Throated Diver

An afternoon check located:
Purple Sandpiper with a large group of Turnstone at the base of the sloping heliport sea wall near the Cafe. Unfortunately the Turnstone and the sandpiper quickly moved off, there is a lot of disturbance here. 
Pale-bellied Brent goose 28 on Red Nab
Wigeon pair

The only bits I (MD) can add to the above is
Shelduck 9
Rock Pipit 4
Meadow Pipit 3 grounded together behind the foreshore bund
Linnet 2 near lighthouse 
Grey Seal No.2 outflow, but it was busy fishing and only revealed itself briefly a couple of times.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just the two main ponds checked
Mute 2 breeding pairs
Moorhen 2
Coot 7
Mallard 6
Gadwall 8
Little grebe 2 at least on main pond 
Cetti's Warbler - "no swimming pond" male singing

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