Sunday 29 May 2022

Fledgling Rock Pipit

The wind pretty much covered all compass points today, but mainly east in the morning and west after lunch. High cloud with plenty of sunshine. Just the odd light shower.

Only my stuff so far (MD)
South shore late morning
Very little really, but good news with the Rock Pipits
There was a newly fledged bird above the nest hole in the harbour wall near the lighthouse. Both adults were calling, presumably to draw others out of the nest hole. Fortunately at this time the wind was from the north, which would help them in their first perilous flight to get over the top of the wall. Unfortunately it was suddenly very busy with a family party walking past. I hadn't realised that they had three dogs till this one nearly scared the young bird off. The female moves to the wooden structure still calling. 

Newly fledged Rock Pipit still with down on the left side

Both adult were calling from above the nest hole, this is the female.

I left them to it, but should have stayed closer, as the family returned, doing nothing wrong, just oblivious to what was happening. Unfortunately the dogs got too close this time and the fledgling flew out over the harbour, I was afraid it was going to end up in the sea, but the favourable wind helped it back and it ended up in the Power Station grounds. The adults returned to calling for the others to join them - Good luck!

No Rock Pipits seen on the foreshore or Red Nab, perhaps they too were at their nest sites. I'll see how Heysham Head birds are doing tomorrow.

Heysham skear - low water 18:20
I went down two hours before low water, just to check the NE corner for Sanderlings, success:
Sanderling 9 together - some now in quite advanced summer plumage.

A quick scan of other birds located:
Eider 10
Great Crested Grebe 3
Little Egret 3
Curlew 2
Plus the numerous Gulls and Oystercatcher 

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