Tuesday 31 May 2022

Hobby and Canada Goose moult migration begins

The lightish winds swung round from NE in morning to NW by evening. Some heavy showers and sunny spells.

Hobby - adult low over Heysham Skear 0715 then climbed NW - thanks to David Kaye for this record

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Little grebe - Janet spotted an adult with two chicks on the main pond, she could only managed some distant shots as she was exercising a dog.
Adult Little Grebe (Dabchick)

Dabchick chicks

Rock Pipits - I went to check how the Near Naze and Half Moon birds are doing. The answer is, I'm not sure! (MD)
Near Naze - just one bird seen feeding, I saw it fly to a potential nest site, but couldn't see if it was carrying food.
Half Moon Bay - two birds feeding among the rocks near the cafe slipway. Both headed off over the sloping wall towards the industrial buildings, but again I failed to see if they were carrying food, but I suspect they were.
No sign of any birds near the rocks on the north edge of Half Moon Bay

House Sparrows rarely get a mention, largely as there are not huge numbers within the recording 
area, but there are colonies on both sides of Half Moon Bay. Newly fledged birds abound.

Canada Goose - 36 flew north low over the old heliport. The first record this year of their northward moult migration. No risk of not hearing these birds!

Heysham skear - low water 19:20 (MD)
As yesterday I went down 2 hours before low water, fortunately this coincided with a heavy shower ending.
Eider 13
Great Crested Grebe 5
Red-breasted Merganser 3 (pair plus a female) - this is the lone female, having a stretch, she flew off to the north not long after this.

Little Egret 9 plus Heron 1 - all shrimping again
Curlew 2
Whimbrel 1
Sanderling 20 - still in individual groups (7, 2 and 5 along north side. 4 and 2 along the south side). 

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