Monday 6 June 2022

A bit warmer

North to NE light wind, mainly overcast with a hazy sun occasionally visible through the clouds.

First a Canada Goose moult migration record that almost fell through the net.
Canada Geese 5 north from Heysham Head 28th March, which makes this the first record for this year's migration - Thanks to David Kaye

Middleton Nature Reserve 
The Bee Orchids are out here too, joining the Spotted and Purple. This shot by Janet.
Bee Orchid 

I had a walk around this afternoon, it was warmer, I thought there might be a few insects around. And so it proved......just a few insects! (MD)
Mute Swan 2 adult 8 cygnet 
Coot 8 adult plus at least 3 chicks
Moorhen 3
Gadwall 1 male on Tim Butler pond
Mallard 4 male plus this female on the main pond with 9 young chicks - she's giving them a good work out!

Little grebe just one adult seen and another heard.

The warblers were more vocal today, but I didn't hear a Lesser Whitethroat or Grasshopper warbler.
Cetti's warbler 2 (central and western marshes)
Common Whitethroat 3
Willow Warbler several
Chiffchaff 3
Blackcap 2
Sedge Warbler 3
Reed Warbler 1
This clip is a Reed Warbler, unfortunately not singing, you can see it has been ringed.

Reed Bunting 4 singing males
House Martin 1 and Swift 2 feeding over the main pond.

Small Heath 8
Green-veined White 6 (4 confirmed, 2 presumed)
Speckled Wood 3
Orange Tip 1 male

Burnet Companion 
Cinnabar moth

Four-spotted Chaser 1
Broad-bodied Chaser 1 male
Male Broad-bodied Chaser

This is a Tree Bumblebee. They have colonised from the continent, the first record in the UK was only 2001. Now, they are everywhere!
Tree Bumblebee 

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