Sunday 12 June 2022

An interesting seawatch

West to WSW wind all day, still quite fresh, but not as strong as the last two days. Mainly overcast with some light showers.

Three observers this morning: Pete Crooks, plus Pete Marsh and Jean Roberts 
Report from Pete (M)
Just single flurry of 26 inbound Gannets with five distantly out possibly different
flock of 20 plus singleton Kittiwake
3 Guillemot
7 Razorbill/Guillemot 
1 Common Scoter
3 Greylag geese
11 Sanderling
3-4 2cy  Mediterranean gulls outfalls area

I just had a quick check of the outflows on the ebbing tide at lunchtime (MD)
3 2nd calendar year Mediterranean gulls feeding on No.2 outflow (same birds included in Pete's report above). One has a distinctive break in the tail bar, as did yesterday's and Friday's bird. Fortunately the light was more conducive to photography today.
2cy Mediterranean gull (top) with 2cy Black-Headed gull
You can see the distinctive break in the Meds tail bar

This is a clip of it feeding, it seemed to be finding plenty.

Curlew 6 - 4+2 flew north
Rock Pipit 1 on Red Nab
Emperor Dragonfly 1 male patrolling newt pond

Heysham skear (MD)
Just a quick check on the ebbing tide in the afternoon 
Eider 11 - 1 lone male plus 3 and 7 females
Great Crested Grebe just 1 seen
Great Crested Grebe battling against the tide and wind
The Herring gulls can't feed here the mussels are now too big, they are
waiting to get further out where there are newer seed mussels.

Little Egret 5
Curlew 5  plus the Oystercatchers

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