Friday 17 June 2022

Interesting Stonechat record

The wind started SSE early on but soon swung round to south then SW to West. Some sunshine in the morning but overcast with light showers after lunch.

Heysham Head (Josh Hedley)
A few bits from Heysham Head this morning.
Linnet- 5
Whitethroat- just one singing

Swift- 3
Stonechat- 1 female (first report of one from the Head since the early spring passage (MD))
Josh managed this distant record shot

Curlew- 3 over

Small Tortoiseshell- 5+
Painted Lady- 1

I had a look in the afternoon to see if I could relocate the Stonechat, but didn't (MD)
Rock Pipits 2 near the Head, didn't check below the high cliffs
Shag 1 2nd calendar year landed briefly out from the Head.
I managed this distant record shot - it was that sort of day!

South shore (MD)
I just checked from Red Nab to the faux castle to the south of the saltmarsh on the rising tide just after lunch.
The last of the sun was shining and it was hot as I walked through the Nature Park. The first grasshopper I've heard this year was chirping. Also the first Ringlet butterfly was flying around, but it steadfastly refused to land to allow a picture!
No sign of any Mediterranean gulls on Red Nab, but there were still lots of gulls feeding on the outflows.
Eider 2 female
Shelduck 2 (flew off to east)
Curlew 35 flew from Red Nab towards the estuary 
There were six small waders feeding on a rapidly shrinking distant sandbar. Normally I wouldn't have bothered, but any small waders are welcome this time of year, so I took this clip.

Turned out they were 3 Dunlin and 3 Ringed Plover. They flew off south and, perhaps ominously, a little later this Peregrine flew back from the south with a small long legged bird.
Peregrine Falcon with a small bird

Linnet 4 near saltmarsh 
Rock Pipit 1 - just one on Red Nab, no sign of the saltmarsh/rocky outcrop birds

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