Wednesday 15 June 2022

Late Wheatear is the only new bird

WNW light winds and plenty of sunshine meant it was a lot warmer today

Unfortunately, I didn't have much free time today so only managed a couple of quick looks on the south shore (MD)
Just a very brief look at the saltmarsh on rising tide, failed to locate the scoter, although I only checked from slipway. There was a late (or very early returning) Wheatear, not a particularly large bird so presumably not one of the far north bound birds.
Male Wheatear 

No disputing location - here it is perched on the notice near the slipway
I managed a longer walk mid afternoon on the ebbing tide. The Wheatear was still present.
Mediterranean gull 3 x 2nd calendar year feeding on the outflows, there were two 2nd calendar year Common gulls feeding too, easily confused if you can't see the head, although the Mediterranean gulls wing pattern appears more contrasting than the Common gull's (apologies to experienced birders, but many post readers are not, and I am asked for help MD)
2nd calendar year Common Gull

2nd calendar year Mediterranean gull 

Rock Pipits 3 (two on Red Nab and one along sea wall)
Linnet 2 on foreshore 10+ between lighthouse and waterfall 
Quite a lot of butterflies in the Nature Park:
Large Skipper 3
Small White 1
Speckled Wood 4
Common Blue 2
Small Tortoiseshell 1 - a particularly hairy individual 
Small Tortoiseshell 

Angela took this nice shot of the Mute on the main pond of Middleton Nature Reserve  - still 7 cygnets. The male's large bill knob is very evident.
Main pond Mute family the male on the left

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