Saturday 4 June 2022

More Canadas through

 A cool NE quite fresh wind. Warm in the frequent sunny spells

I didn't have much time today, just a quick check of:
Heysham skear  - low water 09:30 (MD)
Eider 36 - the additional females not present today
Great Crested Grebe 9
Red-breasted Merganser 2 (probably immature) males
Shag 1 feeding - presumed long staying 2nd calendar year bird
Little Egret 5
The only waders other than Oystercatcher were:
Curlew 5
Bar-Tailed Godwit 1
Bar-Tailed Godwit

Canada Geese:
c20 north 07:30 over Trumacar - thanks Joanne
c20 NE 12:30 over golf course - thanks Garry

Heysham Nature Reserve 
This was actually located last weekend by one of the young naturalists with the Family group day. It is a Water Ladybird, not generally uncommon, but I can't say that I've seen one before (MD). Thanks to Emma for the picture.
Water Ladybird - as the name suggests, normally found near water
This one was spotted (sorry about the pun!) from the wooden viewing platform 

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