Sunday 10 July 2022

A good day for kite flying!

A light NW wind all day with plenty of warm sunshine.

I had little time today so just managed two short walks (MD)
Middleton Nature Reserve 
Little change from recent days including 
Cetti's warbler singing from "no swimming" pond
Stock Dove 2
Alan Wilson also had a look around and managed these nice shots


Heysham skear - low water 15:45
Little Egret 2
Eider 1
A single Redshank was the only wader apart from Oystercatcher and Curlew 
Mediterranean gull 1 adult
It was the Kite Festival at Morecambe today and the weather couldn't have been better. Warm and sunny and a steady onshore light wind. From my prospective, the skear was the ideal place to view it from (nice and quiet and some wildlife). In this clip the Mediterranean gull is centre foreground with the Kite Festival behind, I couldn't  resist continuing the pan to end with Ingleborough in the background.

Sometimes, when you can't get out to see nature, you have to rely on nature coming to see you. This Brimstone moth was resting in the shade just outside my back door.
Brimstone moth

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