Saturday 13 August 2022

Foiled again!

The forecast was for east light winds all day, and indeed for much of the region that was the case, but by afternoon along the south shore it was NNW! The hot constant sunshine continues.

Report from Pete:

Drake common scoter 1

2cy Shag 1

Eider 61 in three lots

off north side heysham head just as tide turned this am.

11 low tide Mediterranean gull on Red nab appeared to include a black darvic ringed adult

South shore - (MD)
In the morning the ESE wind was fine for insect migration, and the tide was largely out. But at 10:00 it was a bit early in the day for much to reach here. There were however black flies everywhere, particularly near the roundhead. 
Pied Wagtails seldom get a mention, and they should, it's just that they are omnipresent and, like the Oystercatcher, overlooked. There were at least 15 today, mainly youngsters, and they were taking advantage of the small fly abundance.
Juvenile Pied Wagtail surrounded by small black flies

Rock Pipit 1 on Foreshore 
Wheatear 1 on saltmarsh - it quickly caught a large beetle then moved off south.
Willow Warbler 1 near the waterfall 
Every year we seem to get one gull, that isn't keen to be on the water.
Juvenile Herring Gull keeping its feet dry

By this time it was 10:30 and the first butterflies were starting to come in off the sea. 
Small White 2
Small Tortoiseshell 2 
Came in off at the roundhead. 
But by now the tide was against the wall for much of its length and there was a steady trickle coming in off along the wall as I walked back. Unfortunately, when the tide is in the influx is spread all along the wall and shore, rather than being focused at the roundhead when the tide is out, so I would have missed lots more.
Gatekeeper 4
Small Tortoiseshell 3
Red Admiral 1
Still it looked promising for early evening when the tide was again out. But it wasn't to be, the wind was North to NNW when I checked again 16:00, I just saw a lingering Small White and a Small Tortoiseshell. 
But there were no black flies either, they must have moved inland. I don't know if they originally came in off the sea, or just off the, guano laden, wooden jetty.

Nature Park 
A good variety, but not high numbers of insects
Emperor 1
Migrant Hawker 1
Migrant Hawker 
Butterflies in order of abundance 
Meadow Brown 
Speckled Wood 3
Small White 3
Peacock 3
Small Tortoiseshell 2
Common Blue 2
Brimstone 1 female
Painted Lady 1

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