Friday 19 August 2022

Record breaking moth

A fresh west wind overcast but plenty of sunny spells

Wheatear 1 female on Near Naze yesterday - ref Howard 

South shore - today
I was busy today and thought this morning's visit towards low water would be my only opportunity (MD)
Rock Pipit 1 on Red Nab
Peregrine Falcon 2. One, presumably a juvenile was practicing its stoops on the gulls
Peregrine practicing its stoop

Mediterranean gulls 8 adult plus 1 x 1st calendar year on the beach next to the wooden jetty, most on the waterline, later 1 x 1cy on No.2 outflow
Little Egret 5 

These three Little Egrets seemed to be catching lots of shrimps in the almost empty channel below the sea wall at No.2

This Migrant Hawker was below the small anemometer 
Mature male Migrant Hawker

Finally this report from Kevin of his excellent sighting along the sea wall last month. This is a brilliant spot, I can barely see the moth in Kevin's picture, let alone spot it on the wall. You will probably have to open Kevin's picture to be able to see it. 
Marbled Green moth  

A belated record from July 26th. Belated because I was waiting for verification as it's only the third record for Lancashire, and the only one North of the Ribble.

It was resting on the South harbour arm and I only spotted it because I was scanning along the wall at a low angle in order to see any insects standing out above the surface. Even knowing exactly where it was it took a while to locate because of the excellent camouflage. The caterpillars feed on lichen and the adults rest on lichen covered walls, rendering them virtually invisible to the prying eyes of hungry birds.

Marbled Green moth

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