Wednesday 31 August 2022

Top raptor double

It forecast sun for today, and the sun "promised" to shine all day, but it never really happened. A steady NE fresh breeze.

Report from Pete:
Mediterranean gulls 4 juv, 1 ad seaward end hey one (3-4 Juv common gull as well). Later another adult and 2cy on Red Nab, but numbers way down
Hobby chased by peregrine headed high to south (Red nab) - Peregrine returned to power station roof.  

From Heysham Head:
9-10 Great Crested Grebe
1 x  2cy shag
(plus unidentified diving duck in poor silhouetted light which disappeared - not an Eider) 
At least 46 swallow heading north into wind along coast in combined 30 mins observation.

Janet checked Red Nab to Heysham Nature Reserve 
A general view of Red Nab on the rising tide

Territorial Rock Pipit patrolling its slimy realm (see yesterday's post)

Whitethroat on the Nature Park newt pond

Heysham Nature Reserve 
Common Darter 

Meadow Browns (female and male)

This dead tree was obviously an ideal sun trap for the Red Admirals

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Report from Jean

We caught 22 birds this morning:

Swallow 2

Grey Wagtail 1

Blackcap 3

Sedge Warbler 3

Reed Warbler 2

Whitethroat 1

Chiffchaff 3

Willow Warbler 1

Goldfinch 1

Robin 1

Wren 2

Blue Tit 1

Great Tit 1


Grey Wagtail 6 (but only caught 1 🙁)

Marsh Harrier 1 juvenile south 06:50

Swallow 15

Goldfinch 41 (largest flock = 25)

Chaffinch 2

Greenfinch 1

Grey Heron 3 flew over which is unusual

On the reserve:

Cetti’s Warbler 1 callled a few times on the east side

I had a stroll around in the afternoon (MD)
Coot now up to three
The male Shoveler was still on the "no swimming" pond.
Gadwall 2 - 1 male plus 1 female/immature 
Female/immature Gadwall

Other wildfowl as recent

Dragonflies - not many today
Emperor 2
Migrant Hawker 1
Common Darter plentiful 

Butterflies, again not many
Speckled wood
Meadow Brown
Small White Red Admiral 4 close together
Comma 1

Red Admiral, much less conspicuous with its wings closed
Roe Deer 1 
We had a Mexican stand off though the trees
Roe Deer

Before it got bored and tootled off

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