Friday 9 September 2022

A comedy of errors!

Light north to NW wind. Mainly dry but a few showers.

Heysham Nature Reserve 
Ringing report by Jean:
The main theme of ringing today was Goldcrests and Grey Wagtails:
Goldcrest 9
Grey Wagtail 8
Chiffchaff 4 (1 retrap)
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Blackcap 1
Greenfinch 4
Chaffinch 2
Goldfinch 4
Blue Tit 5 (2 retraps)
Great Tit 3 (1 retrap)
Wren 2 (1 retrap)
Dunnock 1 (a retrap)
Sparrowhawk 1

Jean took this shot of one of yesterday's Grey Wagtails, it has been colour ringed as part of the Observatory's ringing scheme (see scheme details on the side bar).
There have been several sightings locally as well as many around the country. If you do spot one, please record the rings colours and sequence (photo if possible) and pass details to Pete (or any other member of the team if easier) contact details are on the side bar. 

South shore - high water 11:25 (MD)
There were 50+ Linnets and Goldfinch feeding around the saltmarsh slipway
Reed Bunting 1 also near the slipway 
Reed Bunting 
Robins everywhere, there were 5 between the slipway and Red Nab.
Wheatear 5 - 2 on foreshore, 1 on sea wall and 1 near lighthouse 
Rock Pipit 5
Meadow Pipit 9 - none grounded just birds heading south
Swallow 2 south
Eider 2 near wooden Jetty 

I had done and timed everything just right this morning. I set off early and had a good check along the foreshore and sea wall, before returning to the saltmarsh for 09:20. This is what the creek (where yesterday's Osprey was feeding) looks like before it's filled.
I walked around to the east side and sat on a block. I could now look down the quickly filling creek with the light behind me, camera ready. After 5 minutes the creek wasn't as full as when I arrived yesterday, but would have been as full as when the Osprey started feeding yesterday. I have absolutely no patience! So I decided to edge my bets and walk out onto the mud to check the waders on the tide line. I would still be able to see the Osprey if it turned up. To get to the shore you have to cross a slippery section of mud, so I stashed my camera. 
It was 09:45, the Osprey turned up right on time! 30+ Lapwing immediately lifted from the saltmarsh and started harrowing it. I presumed it would chase them off and begin feeding, so I walked back to my block and got my camera out. But it had gone and the Lapwing were returning to the saltmarsh. Even so, I was sure it would return, but it didn't.
There were no Lapwing around yesterday, I don't know if it had cleared them or if they had already left.
Either way I missed out on filming today's bird (glad I got some decent shots on the two previous days). I have no idea if it is likely to return here tomorrow, but the tide will reach the creek about 10:00, if you fancy a look (let's hope it's not much ado about nothing tomorrow).

By this time the waders on the beach were already moving on, so missed out on them too!

Redshank c120 on saltmarsh 
Ringed Plover 12 Red Nab
Dunlin 2 Red Nab
Ringed Plover and a Dunlin

Howard took this nice shot of Eider climbing out onto the Near Naze rocks

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