Monday 12 September 2022

Rain (and pain) almost stopped play!

Quite a fresh SW wind in the morning eased and shifted to NW by the afternoon. The morning rain was steady but quite light, although it didn't feel light in the fresh wind. More infrequent showers in the afternoon.

South shore late morning (MD)
Every time I go for a walk, my wife gives me "advice" about falling over - Don't do it!
It's good advice, and normally I remember, but yesterday I must have forgotten and ended up crashing onto my hip. Didn't feel too bad yesterday, but could barely walk this morning. Fortunately it eased as I walked, and I probably ended up walking further than I should.
Not much of note along the sea wall, just
Wheatear 1
Rock Pipit 1

On the saltmarsh 
Lapwing 19
Linnet 6
Goldfinch 8 on teasel around saltmarsh edge.
Kestrel 1 male over and continued south

There was very little on the shore either, but at least I remembered not to fall over today!
Ringed Plover 3, were the only waders close to shore
Towards the waterline were
Oystercatcher c300
Curlew c30
Grey Plover 18
Knot 2
Grey Plover moulting from summer to winter plumage 

Near Naze
Wheatear gang of 7 late morning (Pete)

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
I couldn't resist a passing check of the two main ponds in the afternoon.
Mute pair plus 7 well grown cygnets 
Coot 2 - one on each pond
Moorhen 4 - two on each pond
Gadwall 4 (2 each male and female) "no swimming" pond
Shoveler 2 (male and female) "no swimming" pond
Female (top) and male Shoveler 
They might have been on the same pond, but showed no inclination to be together

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