Tuesday 27 December 2022

It's mainly about the Brent again

A dreary sort of day. Overcast with occasional showers in the morning becoming more persistent in the afternoon. A fresh SW wind.

Pale-bellied Brent goose 10 - there were 8 (5 & 3) amongst the rocks out from the play area at low water, plus another 2 in the skear corner. Later on the rising tide there were just 5 out from the play area. At 12:00 there were 2 on Red Nab, but by 12:30 they had been joined by 5 more.
These are two of the group of five on the shore this morning, I had to wait for them to amble past before I could move on (MD)
There was little else to see from the skear, despite the tide being out further than it has been in daylight for some while.
Shag 1 immature 
Red-breasted Merganser 4
Great Crested Grebe 1

Pete and Jean checked the lunchtime ferry - Kittiwake 5 adult plus 2 first winter followed it in.
Plus minimum 40 Snipe on the Heliport grass and wall.

There wasn't much else around Red Nab and the foreshore either
Rock Pipit 1
Ringed Plover 2 
Turnstone and Ringed Plover

Wigeon c180 - This clip is just to show them grazing Red Nab rocks as the tide reaches them. The whistling calls are the male Wigeon, but there is also a short burst from the Rock Pipit early in the clip.

Janet forwarded this clip taken by a friend living on Sylvan Place near Half Moon Bay. It would be unfair to call it an "urban fox" as this area is just at the edge of the village. But it is clearly a dog fox and he seems intent on redefining his territory.

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