Friday 23 December 2022

Plenty around, but nothing new

The rain managed to hold off till lunchtime, then continued during the afternoon. The wind started from east then to SE

I just managed one outing today (MD)
South shore
I went down early to check the waders being pushed up the shore by the rising tide, just out from the saltmarsh. Unfortunately, the big flocks of waders were further south towards Potts, still it was enjoyable.
Pink-Footed geese 367 in 6 skeins north just after 08:30
Shelduck c150 feeding out from foreshore 
Wigeon c150 around Red Nab, they didn't go to the saltmarsh today.
Kingfisher 1 on Red Nab
Lapwing 69
Ringed Plover 1
Grey Plover 14 + Knot 1 + Dunlin 15 - there were many more of these species further south, these were just in one flock close in. These are some of them.
Solitary Grey Plover on Red Nab, peering through Redshanks legs
Redshank 30
The wind was blowing off shore, which doesn't allow the waves to develop, and these spring tides come in quickly. Several waders ended up floating before flying off. This is a Redshank 

Bar-Tailed Godwit 1 (none seen further south)

Bar-Tailed Godwit 

Common Snipe 6 - I left before the tide covered the saltmarsh 
Reed Bunting 6
Rock Pipit 2 (rocky outcrop south of saltmarsh and foreshore)

Middleton Nature Reserve 
A quick check on the way home.
Just the Mute plus 4 Gadwall and 2 Moorhen on the main pond.

The "no swimming" pond is back to its normal level. 
Gadwall 8
Mallard 2
Teal 4
Male Teal and Mallard pair

Tufted Duck 4 male

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