Tuesday 6 December 2022

Several shades of grey

The wind remains light and mainly from the north. A light overnight frost - my weather alert warns of an "unseasonably cold spell". I know the climate is changing but I still thought winter was the season to expect cold spells!

Report from Pete:
Hard work checking dropping tide channels off Heysham - just 
Red-Throated Diver 2 and flock of 5 Common Scoter in Kent channel area. 
Mediterranean gull 1 adult  Red nab 
plus two darvic ringed Shelduck - quite a few of these around.
Chiffchaff (collybita) ringed HNR - caught in feeder net, probably wintering around pond above office

South shore - high water 10:00 (MD)
I went on the shore out from the saltmarsh as the tide was covering it. Originally filled with waders, but the inevitable  Peregrine attacks quickly flushed most.
Shelduck 200+ these are some of them moving in with the tide. Unfortunately all either distant or in the water, so no chance of seeing any darvic ringed birds.

It was hard keeping track of the waders as they were constantly on the move, the larger ones not always returning. These are minimum numbers.
Lapwing 180 
Lapwing looking splendid in the sunshine
Common Snipe 6 (on saltmarsh)
Curlew 15
Ringed Plover 3
Dunlin 350
Knot 500
Grey Plover 16
Bar-Tailed Godwit 50
Redshank 120
This is what today's title refers to. When I check the waders here as they return from breeding they are a striking mixture of summer, winter and juvenile colours. Today they were all, just shades of grey!
These are Grey Plovers with some Bar-Tailed Godwit in the background 

These are Knot and Dunlin with a few more Grey Plover

Grey Plover showing its characteristic dark underwing patch
Rock Pipit 3 together 
Reed Bunting 4
Song Thrush 1
Greenfinch 2
All above on saltmarsh 

On Red Nab
Kingfisher 1
Wigeon c80

There was some more colour today, but I'm saving pictures for tomorrow's post, as I may not get a chance for a walk tomorrow.

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