Tuesday 20 December 2022

The ducks have landed....

The SW wind freshened all day, it remained dry with plenty of sunshine.

South Shore (MD)
Just a single Robin and three Carrion Crows on the saltmarsh.
Rock Pipit 1 on foreshore 
Kingfisher 1 on Red Nab
Shelduck 60
Wigeon 100+
This cormorant has caught a Common Blenny (this is a fully grown fish). It was a wriggly one, but there is no escape.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
A quick look on the way home found the "no swimming" pond still covered in ice and deserted. But the main pond was 70% ice free and the ducks were moving back
Mute Swan 2 adult 5 immature 
Moorhen 4
Gadwall 14
Shoveler 2 (male and female)

Mallard 6
Tufted Duck 2 male - this clip is a slightly unusual angle as the two Tufted join the Mallard at the swan feeding area.

Heysham skear - low water 15:20 (MD)
A few more waders today, but significantly less than typical here
Oystercatcher c1,000
Ringed Plover 5
Knot 12
Turnstone 8
Redshank 10
Dunlin 15

Eider 6
Pale-bellied Brent goose 14 - I watched six fly in from the north and they joined eight already feeding in the SE skear corner. None appeared to be colour ringed.

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