Thursday 5 January 2023

Not too bad for a calmer day

The south to SW wind not as fresh as yesterday. Mid morning showers cleared by lunchtime, but it remained overcast.

South Shore
I bumped into Janet and we had a walk along the sea wall together, one still nursing a broken ankle and one feeling sorry for himself after a bit of a cold! But we did ok. (MD) All today's photographs are Janet's.
Wigeon 165 counted on the sea
Pale-bellied Brent goose 16 on Red Nab, two flew off early at 11:20, but 14 remained till 12:30
Pale-bellied Brent Geese and Wigeon grazing the gutweed on Red Nab
Some of the Wigeon leaving Red Nab

Rock Pipit 2 - Red Nab and Sea wall near wooden jetty
Kingfisher 1 Red Nab
Female Red-breasted Merganser


Shag 1 x 2nd calendar year resting on the platform near the waterfall, then, almost certainly the same bird, in the middle of the harbour later.

2nd calendar year Shag 

Immature shag (left) with cormorant 

Janet walked back while I waited for the ferry. There were a lot of gulls behind it again, despite the much calmer conditions. Including at least 12 adult plus 2 x 2nd calendar year Kittiwake. 
The wind is looking more promising for gulls behind the ferry tomorrow

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