Wednesday 15 February 2023

Another? Stonechat

A light southish wind. Overcast till lunchtime then some light showers.

South shore (MD)
I really just went down in the morning to see if any Stonechat had turned up at the saltmarsh and foreshore, but then couldn't resist a walk along the sea wall (feeling a bit brighter today!).
No passerines around the saltmarsh except a Rock Pipit, two more seen on Red Nab and Lighthouse area.
Shelduck c50
Wigeon c150, but well spread as the tide was out
Shag 1 immature in the harbour again.

The mature Cormorants now in breeding plumage

Kittiwake 9 including 2 adult. One in the harbour mouth the others resting on the pipe near the waterfall.
First winter Kittiwake in the Harbour mouth

This was slightly unusual, I noticed something moving in a crevice in the roundhead wall. Turned out it was a Starling, it was still there 15 minutes later.

Imperial road - mid afternoon (MD)
Again, primarily a quick check for any Stonechat, and again, none seen.
Grey Heron 1
Teal 13
Some of the Teal

Common Buzzard 1
Common Buzzard - a nice view of the upper tail

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
The original mute pair have reclaimed the "no swimming" pond, the 5 immatures remain on the main pond.
Pochard male 1
Little Grebe now trilling on three ponds: main, no swimming and Tim Butler.
Other wildfowl as yesterday
Common Snipe 2
Stonechat 1 male. Only distant glimpses on the western marsh.
Male Stonechat about 250m from yesterday's birds, but this one "felt" like a different
bird, not least as it was alone and seemed to be moving north through the marsh

Gordon Taylor sent us a nice clip of one of the colour ringed Grey Wagtails overwintering in his Bootle garden (first seen 29/01/23). But, frustratingly, I can't persuade it to load on the post, so will have to, settle for this still from the clip.
Colour ringed Rey Wagtail ringed here last autumn - see scheme details on the sidebar 

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