Saturday 25 February 2023

Barn Owl crosses over

A light but cold NE breeze. Overcast with a few very light showers.

First, David Talbot took this nice shot of Common Snipe on the saltmarsh yesterday
Two Common Snipe

Imperial Road (MD)
I didn't have much time today, so just a short, but productive, visit in passing (this is the road that goes from the first roundabout on the bypass (Bay Gateway) from Heysham to the waste recycling centre).
Buzzard 1 
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Redwing 14  (plus I forgot that Mark reported one from Middleton Nature Reserve yesterday). Not a great clip, but a bit short of material today.

Pink-Footed Goose c250 - they must have been feeding in fields just south of here when a passing helicopter lifted them. They flew overhead then headed towards the river Lune.

Barn Owl 1 - it had caught a rodent and was flying north with it. This was 14:30, there has been little nighttime rain recently so it shouldn't need to feed during the day to sustain itself.
Barn Owl
The bypass is just to the right in this clip, you can hear the cars passing by.

Just after this clip it flew across the bypass, still with its catch, towards Heysham Moss Nature Reserve, where I saw it or another last Monday. Speaking of which.......

Just out of the recording area - Heysham Moss Nature Reserve 
Janet had an early morning walk:
Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming
Roe Deer 1 mature male

Mature Roebuck 

I stopped along Oxcliffe Rd to check the geese (MD). There seemed more than yesterday, but I could only find Pink-Footed geese. This clip is only a small proportion of them but gives a sense of numbers and their proximity to the busy road.

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