Friday 17 March 2023

Better! In fact, warm and better

The temperature never got below 8C overnight and peaked this afternoon at 15C! (Thanks to Kevin Eaves weather station for weather details). The very light south wind continued. Just a few light showers plus one heavy one in the afternoon 

Pete advises that Wheatears were seen today just to the south between Fluke Hall and Knott End, but none seen or reported yet from the recording area, we'll see what tomorrow brings.

South shore 07:40 - 09:20 (MD)
Shelduck 25
Wigeon 150
Redshank 180
Wood Pigeon 11 on grass behind foreshore
Pied Wagtail 5 north
Skylark 1 grounded on foreshore 
Meadow Pipit 36 north. 25, 07:40 - 07:55 between saltmarsh and Red Nab. Only 8 more as I walked along the wall and only three on the return leg. These two landed briefly on Red Nab.
Rock Pipits 6 - saltmarsh, Red Nab (displaying male), seawall plus 3 between lighthouse and waterfall 
Greenfinch 8 on copse edge behind Red Nab
Male Greenfinch

Linnet pair near lighthouse 
Female Linnet
Stonechat 1 female near the lighthouse 
Female Stonechat 

Shag 1 immature flew out of the harbour towards the wooden jetty 
Shag, looks to be a 3rd calendar year (MD)

Kittiwake 1 first winter on "their pipe" near the waterfall 

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a quick mid morning check of the two main pond's located nothing new, but this was interesting. It was already quite warm and there were lots of midges around. With the current dearth of insect eating birds, this Little Grebe filled the niche. You can see the insects on the water before it eats them. It seems easy pickings, but there won't be much fuel provided by a midge.

Imperial Rd (MD)
Last stop on the way home, and again some interest.
Common Buzzard 2 - this one has a small rodent, or possibly a frog.  I was still in my car at this point and struggled to keep my camera still.
By the time I'd gotten out and steadied myself better, it had eaten all it was going to. It cleaned its beak and flew off.
This one was calling a lot, fortunately I managed a short sequence when my camera wasn't making too much noise. You can hear it calling a couple of times.

Jackdaw 87 feeding in the field to the east of the road.

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