Tuesday 7 March 2023

Morse code mode!

An overnight frost, then dawn to dusk sunshine, quite warm when sheltered from the light, but cold NE to NW breeze.

South Shore (MD)
It couldn't have been more different than yesterday, at least weather wise. The birds were pretty much the same.
Pale-bellied Brent Goose 36 - these are 32 of them flying into Red Nab from the north side.

These are the other four, having a drink with Shelduck. Although the tide has now reached it, where they are drinking from is fed by the freshwater runoff. 
This clip is what today's title refers to, yesterday I managed to drop my best camera. I thought I had gotten away with just superficial damage, but today's clips are accompanied by what sounds like my camera tapping out morse code. It's never been a quiet camera, actually it sounds like it is steam operated! But this may be a sound effect too far, if it doesn't resolve itself I may have to post clips in silent mode in future.
Shelduck c20
Wigeon c50
Rock Pipit 2 - the Red Nab bird displaying and this one on the foreshore 
Not sure what it has found, but it gets eaten

Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a check of the western side.
Mute Swan 2 adult on "no swimming" pond plus another on Tim Butler pond. 5 immature on main pond
Little Grebe 3 at least on the main pond.
Little Grebe

This one strayed too close to another's territory 

Mallard 8
Gadwall pair on main pond two males on the "no swimming" pond
Teal at least 15 - this one is upending on the main pond, despite the morse code and passing traffic, you can just make out a Little Grebe trilling.
Coot 5
Moorhen 4
Water Rail 2 squealing

Redwing 15 along eastern boundary 
Roe Deer 1 male

Just out of the recording area - Heysham Moss Nature Reserve
Janet had another stroll around this nice reserve, she didn't see the Barn Owl todaybut Tom reported it near the solar panels.
These nice shots by Janet:
Female Reed Bunting 

Male Reed Bunting 

Blue Tit

Long-Tailed Tit

Common Buzzard


Four Roe Deer in the field to the north of the reserve, they look like two
female with two immature. Roe Deer are not renown grazers, perhaps
 they are just avoiding unwelcome attention from the males

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