Monday 17 April 2023

Inland records top the bill today

Almost breathless in the morning, a light east breeze in the afternoon followed by another calm spell before the breeze resumed in the west this evening. The still morning air resulted in misty sea conditions.

Pete and Jean had an early morning session.
Summary from Pete:
Shag wooden jetty, 
9 sandwich tern grounded Red nab but offshore vis too poor for seawatch session, 
Wheatear 2 Heliport
Grasshopper warbler 2 singing. 1 at Middleton NR and 1 at Heysham NR first thing
Also at Heysham NR
Redstart 1 male 
Tree Pipit 1

Heysham Nature Reserve 
Ringing report from Jean:
Ideal for ringing today - no wind and murky conditions. Should have got there earlier than  the 0630 start, but still some action till 9am.

New birds:
Willow Warbler 8 
Chiffchaff 5
Lesser Redpoll 2
Blackcap 1 
Song Thrush 1
Wren 1

Chiffchaff 1
Long-tailed Tit 2

Hummingbird hawkmoth in Heysham SD416608 at 3pm today.  Thanks to Amy Grew

South shore late morning (MD)
It was light drizzle at this point, not helping the already poor visibility 
Wheatear 7
Linnet 12 around Red Nab plus 4 near lighthouse 
Greenfinch 2 Red Nab
Robin 1 Red Nab
Rock Pipit 3 - 1 each Red Nab, Lighthouse and waterfall 
Kittiwake 1 x 2nd calendar year feeding on No.2 outflow

Heysham Skear - low water 17:10 (MD)
Pink-Footed goose 80 north not long after the tide turned.
Eider 58
Great Crested Grebe 2
Red-breasted Merganser 6
Shag 1 immature feeding
Little Egret 3
Great White Egret 1 flew east from the middle of the bay.
Great White Egret

Sandwich Tern 2 - initially resting till the tide turned, then they began feeding.
Sandwich Terns

Whimbrel 28 - 6 on the south side of the skear another flock of 20 flew over to the north side before continuing north. 2 more flew inland from the skear. These are the 6.

This is them flying off, initially west but then north. I've left the volume on, if you can ignore the camera clicks, you can just make out their characteristic calling.
Swallow 2, 1 and 1 north close to the sea wall

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