Tuesday 4 April 2023

Plenty of Butterflies again, and Brent still around

A light SE wind moved to the west in the afternoon. Sunshine for most of the day.

Pete and Jean managed a short seawatch:
Red Throated Diver 1
Kittiwake 16 in one flock
Sandwich Tern 1
Lesser Redpoll 3
Linnet 15
Sand Martin 1
Just 1 Meadow Pipit!
130 Common Gull Outfalls/channel

I didn't have much time today, just two very brief morning checks (MD)
Saltmarsh to Red Nab
Linnet 18
Wheatear 6
Female/1st winter Wheatear

Pale-bellied Brent goose 4 on Red Nab
Little Egret 4 on Red Nab.
Small Tortoiseshell 2 in the grass before Red Nab

Nature Park 
Chiffchaff 3
Willow Warbler 1 
Not much of a shot, but it's the first Willow Warbler I've seen this year.
Jay 2
One Jay

Two Jay

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Just a check of the two main ponds.
Mute unchanged
Coot 4, suspect the missing birds to be around but out of sight.
Moorhen 1
Little Grebe 3
Little Grebe in summer plumage 

Mallard 6 males
Tufted Duck 1 male
Teal pair
Female Teal
The male did a nice pirouette, the strong sunshine making his green face markings look blue.
Water Rail 1 calling

Singing Warblers
Chiffchaff 6
Willow,Warbler 1
Cetti's Warbler 2

Later Kevin Eaves had a look and took this nice shot of the Tufted Duck
The Brown Rats around the feeding area are becoming ever more confident, although I'm not certain I share Kevin's view of them looking "cute"!
Brown Rat

Heysham Nature Reserve 
Janet is still without a camera, but she is still managing decent wildlife pictures with her mobile phone.

One of two Brimstones seen

Also 1 Peacock butterfly 

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