Tuesday 2 May 2023

Another good seawatch........and an opportunity to participate!

A light SE wind in the morning, becoming lighter and more varied after lunch. Largely overcast but dry.

Early check from Stone Jetty - Nick Godden

Just a short visit 6.25-7.20

Common scoter 11
Arctic tern 67 in one flock
Sandwich tern c. 40
Arctic skua 1 dark morph in

Seawatch report from Pete:
Heysham sea totals 0725-1015 intermittent: 
46 outbound sandwich tern, 
c50 Common scoter, 
5 Red Throated Diver - including a flock of 3 2cy
9 Manx Shearwater - including a flock of 7
2 Gannet
2 dark morph Arctic Skua - flying out distantly and landed out of sight on the sea and presumably floated in (possibly one of these the one seen by Nick)
8 Guillemot, 
3 Canada goose, 
35 swallow, 
65 ringed plover high to north.  

This Saturday there is an opportunity to join in with a LDBWS seawatch from Heysham Head. With expert guides. Open to non LDBWS members - see link below.

I had a walk along the south shore 08:30 - 10:00 (MD)
Linnet 8
Wheatear 20 at least - I saw 11 on Ocean Edge grass/foreshore - but they must have been moving through quickly today, when Jean checked at 11:00 there was only 1, but at 14:45 there were another 10 seen by Kevin.
Male Wheatear

Rock Pipit 4 - 1 on Red Nab plus 3 bickering around the lighthouse 
Whimbrel 2 - both feeding along the wrack line, this one at the base of the foreshore rocks.

and this one along the base of the sloping sea wall

Shelduck 11 resting on mud
No sign of any Kittiwake today
Turnstone c100 roosting on wooden jetty

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Ringing report from Alan:

Ringing at Middleton today 05.30 to 10.45. Good conditions this morning with light SE'ish wind although fairly heavy cloud cover all round.

Blackbird 2

Sedge Warbler 7

Common Whitethroat 2

Lesser Whitethroat 6 + 1 retrap

Garden Warbler 2

Willow Warbler 3 retraps

Lesser Redpoll 2

Blackcap 2

Great Tit 1

Greenfinch 1

Chiffchaff 1

Wren 1

Long-tailed Tit1

Dunnock 1

Tree Pipit 1

Blue tit 1 retrap

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