Thursday 15 June 2023

Ended up being a decent insect day, but it wasn't easy!

A light variable breeze was mainly from SE. Sunshine all day

Saltmarsh to Red Nab (MD)
A check as the tide was covering the shore out from the saltmarsh.
Black-Headed Gull 142
Mediterranean Gull 2 first summer
Common Gull 6 first summer
Herring Gull 2
Lesser Black-Backed Gull 8
First summer (2nd calendar year) Mediterranean Gull

The other 1st summer Med with a 1st summer Common Gull

1st summer Common Gull having a yawn - it was that sort of morning

There were Barrel Jellyfish strewn all over the beach. Most between 75cm - 1m diameter, there are 100 in this clip and many more either side.

Curlew 22
Linnet 6 on saltmarsh 
Small Tortoiseshell 1 in off the sea
Large Skipper several on the saltmarsh 
The Wall butterfly 1 male, flushed as I walked around the saltmarsh but flew into the middle before I could get a shot. 
Emperor 1 on saltmarsh 
Brown Hawker 1 in Nature Park
Silver Y moth 1 on Red Nab
Silver Y

Middleton Nature Reserve 
At least Pete, Janet, Kevin Eaves and a couple of visitors from Wigan were checking for the Red-Veined Darter, unfortunately hampered by a couple of dog walkers with 13dogs! At one point there were 16 dogs on the spit.
Red-Veined Darter 1 male - Pete managed a brief view of it flying over the pond

These shots from Janet:

Male Black-Tailed Skimmer

Four-Spotted Chaser

Common Darter
Brown Hawker
Banded Demoiselle 1 male - originally spotted by Stuart Roebuck, but also seen by Kevin.

Heysham Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a quick check around the central meadow.
Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler singing.
Common Whitethroat seen.
Black-Tailed Skimmer 1 female
Emperor 1 male
Burnets lots (all identified were Narrow-bordered Five-spot)
Burnet Companion several
Meadow Brown 5
Common Blue 3
Dark Green Fritillary 1 very fresh looking individual. Fortunately it rested briefly just in front of a shaded path allowing a nice shot.
Dark Green Fritillary 

This patch of Sea Bindweed looks nice and is a reminder just how close the reserve is to the shore.

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