Friday 14 July 2023

Mainly gulls (well.......only gulls and a jellyfish)

 A freshening SE wind. The worst of the rain held off till early afternoon.

Just my stuff from the South Shore so far (MD).
A morning visit to Red Nab as the tide was almost full located lots of gulls but again they were well scattered.
Mediterranean gulls 32 at least. 12 adult, 3 second summer, 13 first summer and 4 juvenile. There were two white and a green darvic ringed birds. All but one previously read.
There was also a blue darvic ringed Black-Headed gull 2X34
Ringed as a nestling at Martin Mere in 2020 its only other sighting was also
at Martin Mere in April 2021

A second check just after lunch was to watch the beach by the wooden jetty become exposed. Yesterday when I did this, there were no gulls at all at first, then eventually three Meds turned up. Today couldn't have been more different, there were 20+ Meds waiting for the beach to become exposed, and more arrived later. Unfortunately, only one white ringed darvic bird amongst them, and that had been read previously.
Gulls, mainly Meds waiting for the mud to become exposed.
They quickly moved to the mud as the tide receded.
There were at least 12 adult, 7 second summer, 5 first summer and 2 juveniles. The juveniles had a go at feeding, but didn't look like they knew what they were looking for.

Then the heavens opened!

This clip is just another Lion's Mane jellyfish, but somehow it has ended upside down. You can see it stinging tentacles and also where it gets its name. 
Its tentacles look quite short here but some do extend for a lot further.

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