Sunday 2 July 2023

Third time lucky?

The strong west wind continues. A dry day with some sunny spells.

South shore (MD)
A check on the rising morning tide again saw the outflows busy, but only gulls seen today.
Mediterranean Gull 14 - 1 adult and 6 first summer on the outflows. 3 adult and 1 first summer on Red Nab. 3 adult and 1 first summer on saltmarsh.
Three first summer Mediterranean gulls with a Black-Headed gull

The nearest bird above was quite a striking individual.

Adult Mediterranean gull - also striking!

Curlew 100+
Redshank 2 on saltmarsh 
Lapwing 7 on saltmarsh 
Also on the saltmarsh was a recently dead adult Gannet, no sign of any trauma or decay. 

A second check early afternoon found the outflows still full of gulls and none visited the beach next to the wooden jetty. This is looking along No.1 outflow. Mainly Lesser Black-Backed, Herring and Black Headed gulls, but there were a couple of first summer Mediterranean gulls with them.

Some of the gulls were just hanging on the wind as it is forced upwards by the sloping wall. This is a Lesser Black-Backed, and it appears to be doing this just for the "fun of it"

This particularly bedraggled first summer Kittiwake was resting
on the sea wall, near No.2 outflow.

Rock Pipits 3 - in the morning the only one seen was on Red Nab. But in the afternoon the lighthouse pair were evident. This is what today's title refers to. They obviously failed to fledge their young for a second time this year, but were preparing to give it another go.
Female Rock Pipit gathering nest material above the nesting area.

Meanwhile, the male was "standing guard". Although he was more interested in keeping out of the wind!

Middleton Nature Reserve 
No sign of the Goosander when I checked in passing at 10:30. And no reports received.

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